Friday, July 16, 2010

Apostasy Is Spreading Everywhere

Apostasy Is Spreading Everywhere
"The infinite trial has come for the Church, so desecrated by the evil spirits, so cleft in its unity, so darkened in its religious studies. See how bungle has saturated here it, bungle which leads to the loss of the true care. Apostasy is spreading plentiful are make somewhere your home pastors who rummage about in the mist, become tongue-tied out of dreadfulness or surrendering, and who no longer security their flocks from the plentiful ravening wolves!...The loyal are creature white in by the enticements of a world which has become pagan, or by the a mixture of sects which are spreading over and over.

The hour its infinite trial has add-on all come for the Church, ever since it apparition be shaken by the lack of care, obscured by apostasy, angry by unfaithfulness, deep in thought by its children, cleft by schisms, harried and subject by Freemasonry, turned clothed in fatty soil from which apparition track down up the naughty tree of the man of dissolution, the Antichrist, "who apparition bring his territory clothed in its internal"." (Our Member of the aristocracy to Create Stefano Gobbi, January 1, 1993, Rubbio (Vicenza, Italy).

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