Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Love Horoscope For The Week Of October 20

Love Horoscope For The Week Of October 20
In the early part of the week VENUS IS SEXTILE MARS, AND MERCURY IS SEXTILE JUPITER. Both of these are excellent combinations for dating, flirting, and keeping it light with people around you. It might be best to take advantage of that now and build some camaraderie with the people around you; after all, there's an eclipse coming up and that's bound to make someone edgy. Heck, even some people who don't know anything at all about astrology tend to get a little spooked by those things.

There are some interesting circumstances Tuesday, as the Moon is in Libra but doesn't make any major aspects to any planets all day long. That's not as serious as a Void of Course moon, but Moon in Libra not making any aspects will likely give the day a sort of "all dressed up with no place to go" kind of feeling.

Thursday sees a particularly dramatic SOLAR ECLIPSE AT 0^0 SCORPIO. First of all, as I always do, I'm going to remind you that "an eclipse is nothing to panic about". Then I will gently point out the reality that, despite my reassurances, eclipses can have a powerful and unpredictable effect and will leave that degree in your birth chart charged up for potentially wild and unpredictable results for months to come. Whoops... I wasn't very subtle there, was I? Well, Scorpio can be subtle but prefers to get straight to the point.

A Solar eclipse is also a New Moon, and as such it is an excellent time to sit down and think about your intentions for what you would like to change in your life in the next month. VENUS IS ALSO CONJUNCT THE ECLIPSE, so your money and romance plans may have a better chance to come to fruition.

The potential for romance this weekend is serious. Actually, a lot of things about this weekend are serious: the Moon is in Scorpio and both conjuncts and occults Saturn. Don't plan any new romances for that evening if it can be avoided, though: the Moon is Void of Course for most of the day. However, if what you're looking for is drama within the context of a currently existing relationship, you can have it. Then you can have some more. Had enough? Have more anyway!

On the bright side, Saturday is also the day when MERCURY STOPS ITS RETROGRADE. Astrology fans everywhere will be forced to look a little harder for an excuse for all their typos and missed appointments and scheduling bungles.

Finally, MARS LEAVES SAGITTARIUS AND ENTERS CAPRICORN on Sunday. Mars in Sagittarius has made things lively for a lot of people in the last little while, but there's a reason Capricorn comes after Sagittarius: Someone has to clean up the mess after that party and remind everyone to get back to work. Whenever Mars in Capricorn decides to do something, it does it well. Since Mars is the planet most associated with the sex drive, why not take advantage of the famous Sagittarius open mouth policy by inviting someone to help you do some research and brush up on your technique next week?


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