Book: Shabbethai Sebi The Pseudo Messiah by Nissim Ezra Benjamin Ezra
Sabbatai Zevi 1626–76, Jewish mystic and pseudo-Messiah, founder of the Sabbatean sect, b. Smyrna. After a period of study of Lurianic kabbalah (see Luria, Isaac ben Solomon Luria or Loria, Isaac ben Solomon, he became deeply influenced by its ideas of imminent national redemption. In 1648 he proclaimed himself the Messiah, named the year 1666 as the millennium, and gathered a host of followers. In 1666 he attempted to land in Constantinople, was captured, and to escape death embraced Islam. Nevertheless, the influence of the Sabbatean movement survived for many years; it had secret adherents in the 18th cent. and was revived under Jacob Frank Frank, Jacob, c.1726–1791, Polish Jewish sectarian and adventurer, b. Podolia as Jacob Ben Judah Leib. He founded the Frankists, a heretical Jewish sect that was an anti-Talmudic outgrowth of the mysticism of the false Messiah Sabbatai Zevi . The name is also spelled Shabbatai Zvi.Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
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Nissim Ezra Benjamin Ezra - Shabbethai Sebi The Pseudo Messiah