Two Central Questions
Represent are two total questions which we be required to ask of the text:
* At the same time as is the mime saying? This is broad oversimplification, from an aeroplane, of the whole mime.
* At the same time as is the author's make an objection is saying this?
At the same time as is the mime saying?
We movement hold back to bearing at this total jam by total jam.
Pr?cis of Excerpt So Far (1 Peter 1:1-12)
Lope week we saw that in 1 Peter 1:1-2, award are 2 ways of seeing yourself as a Christian: (1) as aliens and strangers in this world; or (2) as God's designate state. 1 Peter 1:3-12 (1:10-12 can be superfluous to 1:3-9) is about the multi-layered salvation; the conversion that was predicted by the prophets and promised by God. And they were not lingo about their own conversion but they were speaking to us.
The Countryside Piece of music of 1 Peter 1:13ff
In 1:11, conversion is all about the test of Christ and the state-owned that follows. 1:13 starts with a "consequently" (for example we see a "consequently", we requirement ask ourselves what it is award for). If you hold back grasped the truth of 1:3-12, then you requirement thorough knowledge the air in 1:13ff. Jesus obeyed God, suffered and was overvalued. To stalk Jesus is to defer dearest Jesus. So we too are to esteem (which is to defer pertinently, in poise, countryside and spirituality in 1:16) and control and we too movement be overvalued.
Contemporary we hold back the wire from ethics to application; from teaching to life.
Can you see anywhere else this suffering-glorification pattern comes up in the rest of the chapter?
* 1:19 and 21 - the pattern develops optional extra as the connection progresses. Jesus is the conjuring watertight White meat. Represent is reference to the Lamb's fine blood (referring to his sacrificial death) and that God raised him from the dead and gave him state-owned
The line of work is this: Jesus' sufferings and the state-owned that follows. Our test and the state-owned that follows. This method that in this world, we requirement defer very swing lives.
(The big picture is that we requirement defer differently and we can savings account that God movement interpret what he has promised. We are to love each other deeply from the core (1:22): this method at full slump, dearest a candidate in the Commonwealth Take part in, stretching towards the line with all they've got.
Like this, it is not that I try to be Christian for example I name dearest it. No. If I hold back been distinctive by the gospel, by Jesus, then the life who is in me movement induce me to love other Christians deeply. It is not fake. It is not that I say "Oh! I do love you!" but happening you whisper,"Well...not really...". It comes from our core, from the happening. Having the status of Jesus is uncomfortable us from within.)
The oversimplification, the view from the aeroplane, is that Jesus is the pattern and we requirement stalk in his footsteps.
Everywhere else do we see this pattern in 1 Peter?
* 2:4-5 - Jesus was rejected by men but elected by God;
* 2:12 - how Jesus took his test vegetation us an exemplary to stalk (not, of course, that we can control for him, since he suffered for our own conversion): he did not take reprisals for, he did not circumstances any pressure. Jesus was an naive prey. He did not good point to control. The same as state turn your nose up at your Christian views or treat unfairly you for while Christian, you possibly will take,"Why are they take effect this to me? Why do I hold back to stand for this?". But if you act dearest Jesus, you movement hold back to control dearest him, not retaliating, but like a child in God;
* 3:1 - "in addition, wives, be resident to your own husbands". Not that wives are to control at the hands of their own husbands(!), but to stalk the gentleness of Jesus to the Father;
* 3:14-15 - if you recognise Jesus as Noble and control for it, don't be uneasy, since God's blessings movement be upon you;
* 3:17 - it is arrogant to control for take effect good than take effect evil;
* 4:1 - "since consequently Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the fantastically way of attention". The line of work sacrament is coming through;
* 4:12-13 - again, we see the pattern of test leading to state-owned. So that you may be thrilled for example he comes again. If you movement not believe the shield, you movement not wear the upper. You do not scan up to paradise on a hair or stifle or rose petals. It is tough work.
(Jesus is not a deserted organization but a living organization who movement help you to defer for him.)
We hold back gone up all the rage the air, as it were, and gotten an overview: Jesus gives us new life and we are to defer swing lives in this world since we belong to Jesus. We are to return his love in this world even bit we may be upset.
Digging Deeper by Asking Questions
Ask questions of the text: bearing for surprises and difficulties. Don't tolerate that you know the mime well. For exemplary, in 2:4, how can stones be "living"?
To understand the mime, we requirement get our fingers in it, by asking questions, dearest manipulation money.
[A time of group work]
Q: How can whatever thing which is rejected by men be fine to God (2:4)?
This I imagine method award is a swing set of ethics.
Q: Why is Jesus described as a "living stone"?
In 2:6, he is as well as described as the elected fine cornerstone. The stone is used as a foundation. At the same time as is while built on top of it is not dead but living, since all the state who build the church are living. Peter is using a non-material imagery to be suitable for out a pompous understanding of Jesus. The cornerstone lines up all the other stones in the constitute. The other stones beg their parcel from this stone. The capstone is the influential stone that finishes off the constitute. And Jesus is each one the cornerstone and the capstone.
Q: At the same time as are "spiritual sacrifices"?
The story moves from buildings to the priesthood to spiritual sacrifices. In the constitute, we act as priests in attendance spiritual sacrifices - serving Jesus, class the gospel, giving up our time for Sunday school for the conversion of children. "Spiritual" since it is for the spiritual good of others, and "sacrifices" since we enjoy up whatever thing for it. We are the priesthood since we now hold back instant way in to God, the envelop has been dilapidated all the rage two.
Q: Is award a conflict amongst the assure in 2:6 that we movement not be put to be repentant and the expectation of suffering?
No. We hold back to bearing all the rage this quote. If we had optional extra time, we would be clear to go all the rage this a bit deeper. This quote comes from Isaiah 28:16. The context is that Israel was uneasy of while outdo by the Assyrians. Relatively of like a child God, they finished alliances with their enemies noticeably, with Egypt. On the day of conflict neighboring the Assyrians, the Egyptians ascetically didn't turn up and the Israelites ran to the right in be repentant.
Represent are two types of people: (1) those who savings account in Jesus and for whom Jesus is the cornerstone, the foundation in their lives; and (2) those who keep at bay Christ and they fall, they fall numb him. They fall numb God and fall numb the gospel and insult themselves.
Q: Why all the names in 2:10?
This was what Israel was called in the Old Testament: elected by God, holy and clear to let somebody have temporarily forfeiture s to God. The make an objection of this was to read out praises of God. At the same time as a multi-layered and famous induce that is for us! Subsequent to we were not a state and now we are!
Q: At the same time as does 2:11-12 mean?
This is a keeping of the spirituality line of work. Why do state criticism us? It may possibly be since they don't dearest that you are not reducing all the rage the fantastically sins as they are. They may not dearest our Christian corroboration. They may criticism you of while bigotted or arrogant, advanced.
Why movement they praise God on the day of visitation? Represent may come a day in your associations lives for example Jesus movement work in their lives and your good deeds movement curb that he is real. They movement honor that they saw Jesus in the lives of the Christians they knew. [Dressed in the break, state alleged they thought this was a bit curious. Shouldn't the day of visitation be the Lope Day? Following the break, David alleged that his interpretation came from the in mint condition mime. John Calvin was as well as of the fantastically view.]
Why is Peter writing? Why did he put it dearest this?
We requirement bearing at the connectors within the connection. "But" - method be different. Represent are comparisons - "you as well as", "dearest". Represent are as well as repetitions of words or thinking. Articulation out for pressurize somebody into and effect - since X is so, Y follows.
Summarise Excerpt
Try to summarise the connection. Assured time ago, in Sunday Educational, we were educated this rhyme:
At the same time as hold back I learnt about Jesus and God
At the same time as hold back I learnt to pressurize somebody into be repentant
At the same time as hold back I learnt about tailing good
At the same time as hold back I learnt is a assure to sustain
(It's not a very good epic, but it's polite.)
At the same time as hold back I learnt about Jesus and God?
I hold back learnt that Jesus is the cornerstone, the capstone and the living stone who is elected and fine to God, as are those who conduct in him.
At the same time as hold back I learnt that I hold back to unburden your heart to to God?
Commonly, separate 2:11, we do not defer as foreigners and aliens in the world. We are too a lot dearest the world. Touching on what was on one assistant professor student's wall: if we were arrested for while a Christian, would award be a lot authentication neighboring us?
So what do we hold back to repent of or unburden your heart to in our have possession of time with God, who in his favor forgives us numb and numb again?
At the same time as hold back I learnt about tailing good?
That it's good point take effect it! It good point while consistent! God, in his favor, can use our lives to turn other state around!
At the same time as hold back I learnt is a assure to claim?
In God's favor, he finished you his child, so that you can sing his praises. So be comforted and grateful and sustain your promises: pray that you movement be someone who movement sing his praises.
So ask yourselves: what hold back I learnt about Jesus, in person, how to act and what has been promised?
(Now promises are perpetually contemporaneous to commands. The same as God commands us, he perpetually gives us the method to achieve them. Sometimes, state enjoy us commands we can't achieve. But God gives us the power to do them. He movement never ask us to do at all imperfect empowering or equipping us to do it.
Articulation at Abraham in Origin 12: "Go to the land I movement return you". "Go" is the self-control. "The land I movement return you" is the assure. If Abraham didn't achieve self-control, he wouldn't hold back normal the assure. If he didn't go, but alleged,"Oh, I'll moral sit present-day until you request me anywhere I'm separation and giving me the avenue or a map", he wouldn't hold back normal the assure. If we moral sit present-day and say no, we won't do as God commands until we get a sign or we name dearest trying, we won't fetch the assure. And as we fetch the assure, we movement denote to esteem.
The Bible is full of promises with commands.)
Blow up Furthest Parts of the Bible
Represent are swing types of stow in the Bible. The Bible is finished up essentially of stories, since (as we saw survive week) God acts in history and explains what he is take effect and why he has done it.
Stories perpetually meat in relation to a nursing that requires a resolution. At parties, for example you're informative stories, you go,"Oh and you won't conduct what happened next!" and award is a notice resolution.
The get tangled with stories in the Bible is that we don't read them as Hebrew stories but as Western stories.
Control the story about the 3 petite pigs: the primary one built a care for of straw, the wolf blew it down and ate the pig. The luxury pig built a care for of kindling, but the wolf blew that down and ate up the pig. The third pig (a source clever, usefulness honours pig) built a care for of brick and the wolf couldn't blow it down, so he came down the aperture. But the pig had a big pot scorching award and shattered the wolf.
I haven't told that very well, moral identifiable you the simple facts. But everytime you get to the third pig, you know there's separation to be a notice. So Western stories put the high-level at the end. You can't say, award was the primary pig, then award was the third pig and oh...let's see...award was as well as this luxury pig award...
Hebrew stories perpetually meat in relation to what happens in the middle. You go all the rage the story, whatever thing in the middle changes everything, then you go out of the story.
Let's bearing at 1 Samuel 7. Remember that all stories are about resolution of a nursing. A long for long for time ago, the Ark (the symbol of God's phantom with the Israelites) was besotted by the Philistines. So God was not at the core of Israel. The nursing was how to get God back all the rage the core of Israel.
In 1 Samuel 7:3 we see the self-control and the promise: "if you are constant to the Noble with all your core, then put to the right the queer gods and the Ashtaroth from amid you and instant your core to the Noble and transfer him unmarried, and he movement interpret you out of the hand of the Philistines". Are you separation to esteem the command? Solo if you conduct the assure. In 7:4, the Israelites make a good start. In 7:6, they pour water, recognising that God's cleansing power and they fasted, a sign of contrition and remorse. And everything looks fine. They've turned to the Noble and the Noble has promised to interpret them from the Philistines.
As a consequence, oops, the Philistines turn up (7:7). The Philistines were I imagine attention, present-day the Israelites are all gathered together for a priestly marketplace. At the same time as a good ability to slaughter them. And they motivated neighboring the Israelites and the Israelites were uneasy (which is an desiccation if you were separation to be massacred).
So the real nursing is: are the Israelites separation to savings account God this time? They do. They don't run to get their armour or weaponry but risk Samuel to heading wailing out to God (7:8). So Samuel very consciously takes a ham and offers it as a forfeiture to the Noble (7:9). And all this time, the Philistines are marching in (BRRMMM! BRRMMM! BRRMMM! You can moral suppose the resilient stuff if this were a movie). And they're coming nearer...As a consequence in 7:10, you hold back the resolution: God sends thunder, not moral ordinary thunder but the haunting remonstration of God's power and routes the Philistines. In 7:11-13, the Israelites enjoy pursue, kill them and set up a stone in summon up of this undergo.
So this is a story about the Israelites and how they learnt to savings account God. 7:8 is the point blow up in the story. In like a child God in our lives, we know that he movement never let us down or let us go.
We are not to ask "Who am I in the story?" This is not a only this minute. It is not "we are to be dearest Samuel or David or Moses or Samson (oops! Not him!). This is not why the inscription were on paper. They are not on paper about me or you.
At the same time as hold back I learnt about God?
He perpetually keeps his promises (1 Samuel 7). The Christians whom Peter was calligraphy to in 1 Peter are in paradise tonight.
At the same time as hold back I learnt about myself?
Approximately like a child God, about God's reprieve, about how God movement collect us if we cry out to him.
At the same time as promises are award to claim?
God movement interpret us.
We are not to say "Ooh! I modestly dearest that emblem, it requirement be about me!"
Represent are other techniques for swing kinds of literature in "Access Up the Bible".
Bordering week, we'll be take effect that bit about the spirits in jail in 1 Peter 3. As homework, list down all the practical things/commands that Peter tells his readers to do. We'll be looking at the application; how the connection relates to us today.
I. The Aesthetic of Possessions and David Jackman's Bible Blow up Sow
II. David Jackman's Bible Blow up Sow II: Digging Deeper for the Esteem
III. David Jackman's Bible Blow up Sow III: Sharpening the Commandeer
IV. David Jackman's Bible Blow up Sow IV: Recitation to the Big Look at (Interval I)
V. David Jackman's Bible Blow up Sow IV: Recitation to the Big Look at (Interval II)