Monday, May 17, 2010

The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows

The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows Cover

Book: The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows by Sekhet Sophia

Alexandrian Book of Shadows Public Domain Version of the Alexandrian Book of Shadows, by Sekhet Sophia (1990)

Founded by Alexander Sanders and his (then) wife Maxine, the Alexandrian tradition is very similar to Gardnerian. Alex Sanders claimed to have been initiated by his grandmother in 1933, and his tradition is somewhat more liberal than traditional Gardnerian Wicca. While eclectic, Alexandrian rituals are still formal and based in ceremonial magick, with highly polarized references to the sexual dichotomy of male/female. Still, the Alexandrians have relaxed some of the more stringent Gardnerian teachings, i.e., the requirement of ritual nudity being made optional under Alexandrian teachings. Alexandrian Wheel of the Year revolves around the struggles of the Oak King and Holly King, generally as depicted through ritual dramas. Though the rituals portray mainly the God in His ever-changing nature and the main spokespeople for both Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditions have been male, the primacy of the High Priestess (and, thereby, the Goddess) is supposedly held as the highest authority in both trads.

Download Sekhet Sophia's eBook: The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows

Books in PDF format to read:

Gerald Gardner - The Garnerian Book Of Shadows
Sekhet Sophia - The Alexandrian Book Of Shadows

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