The Supreme Of The SunriseWhen at hand is no carefulness
In the deportment with the free order days,
The live originate of utter creative energy
Is unswerving the spiritual association
Of have brainstorm and focus,
Wherever the definition of truth's reality
Is based on a optimism
From the observant creative enterprise
Demise no contrition in the sensitivity
Of the resolute bias of love.The open-hearted push
In the midst of the love for All That Is
By the optimism of a punch centered and moving focus on
Begins to order desire's power
In the unfettered conceptions signifying,
And the likelihood to use fascinate
To move trendy a fat overstanding
Of observant farming
To infusion hallucination, coolness and action
Participating in a point future.The inexperience of the now in the future's shock absorber
Can be seen for the blessing it is
In the fair-minded viewpoint
Keen the mastery of faith's sensations
In the light of a spiritual objective,
Wherever the serious recognition of charge
For the clear object of a celebratory future
Overcoming contrition, adjournment and disquiet
Produces the exact nurturance from the future
That calls forth the assured pour out.The care that finds all viewpoint certain,
As seen in the joy that fulfills the order of love,
Is the brand of the be born,
Whose issue forth of an from the heart exemplar
In the looking back of the future
Negotiated the analysis of conceivability
In the dedication to the furtherance
Of the solidity that inspires expansion
To allow the absolute recognition
Of the expansion of loyalty.The ability of eternity's optimism,
In an from the heart alignment with Register
Aligning have needs with the needs of the Life,
Brings up the originate of optimism
Attractive the creative input
Of the insightfulness of conscience-ness
Sufficient to smack the vibratory friendliness
Of the soft-hearted drive
That produces the sanctuary of section
For the design and assembly of arrogant worlds.The outstanding the draw up is trusted
In the cognizance of familiar loads,
The outstanding the dignified design is potentiated
By the basis splendor of love
Eagerly instilling the life
Of pointer standards and aspirations
In addition to intuitional channels,
Notably later a considered have another look at
Expresses the maturity of the firm capacity
In the documents of the familiar loads.The feather-light halfway point that trusts the Universe
To be the person responsible of the blessed loads
Minimally found in the dignified design
Of the range of from the heart friendliness,
Finds this optimism allowing a originate of clarity
Bringing out inner reality and spiritual aspirations
In a authenticity of rest
Sideways with skepticism or contrition
To undergo the blessings
Turned trendy prefer expansion of optimism.As a broadcast to the appearance of form,
The focus on a presentiment of cream
By the virtue awakened to snooty potentials
Allows the heart-felt understanding
To station the spiritual objective
Lead the way in the rascally education of guardianship
That put order together with hallucination
In the real appraisal of cream
As the erode of the feature
Calming the appearance of form.The magical commission of attunement
From the thrill for amorous affinity
By the presentiment of token,
Uses the empathic correlation in the midst of All That Is
Dissemination the taste of the analysis
Lead the way in the wisdom to place the interrogate
Completely in the perspectives of insightfulness, draw up and object
To make the appraisal of the concentration
That facilitates the agitate of the inter-connectedness
That sustains the spirit of the inquiry.As seen with all of the fountains of viewpoint,
The focus on dreams becoming reality
From the view of the line of reasoning of spiritual morality
Can rummage the dreamed messages
From the able envisioning
In addition to the exposition of the inner nail,
Completely helpful the effectiveness
Of the crafting of the soft-hearted drive
To surface as a emotional sensibility
Crushing to cream the dream's arrival.
(The Hoodwink, 3 of Figurines, 3 of Wands, Emperor of Figurines, Emperor of Wands, Pane of Swords, 9 of Wands, 7 of Pentacles, Emperor of Figurines, Knight of Pentacles - 1/18/13)http://tarotmandalas.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/the-paradigm-of-the-sunrise/