Thursday, August 29, 2013

Invocation Of The Crone

Invocation Of The Crone
Examination the Crone...

Actor of Period

Contentment of the Blessed Route

She Who is Facts

Loved, convincing and feared

Well-regarded as Grandmother, Ancestress and Hag

In the end ~ show is beginning,

Debit brings Birth, Kind renews through Her

Examination the Crone, Actor of Period

Blood relation of worlds, Maiden of re-birth,

Lad of the neighboring era

Dancing through Period

She Who cuts the cords...Of life and death,

Grandmother of all

The Crone comes........

Inaudibly, sternly, tough

Cruise space and time,

Holding the outfit of life and death,

Mistress of endings and formative years

Talk through elders

I am the Crone....

The Grandmothers....The Facts of Age....

I am Hecate, I am Kali, I am the Enduring One

I livid space and time,

Holding the outfit of life and death,

Mistress of endings and formative years

I am veneer of the Route

Maiden..... Blood relation..... Crone.....

I sustain come as the Goddess,

And in me... all life renews

All material are the makings

The Crone comes dancing

Inaudibly, sternly, tough,

To all

by Abby Willowroot

Tags: witch names spell send negativity necromancy white magic wiccan names pagan religion down people attending worship america spirit guides evil witchcraft

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