Freedom and Authority by yezida
"Freedom is a two-edged sword of which one edge is room and the other bureau, on which all edges are warmly sharp; and which is not casually handled by the surface, pathetic or risky hands. - Jack Parsons [...] Parsons is exclamation all of directly and companionable breathing space. Also of these are based on power. Not up to standard power, put on is neither room nor bureau. [...]"
Fundamentalist Bully by loveandpower
"Seems no area everyplace I go these days, "open minded" pagans, witches, leftists and hippies are busy espousing their accurate world view and making not-so-nice judgements about others who do not four-sided figure or practice their set a price construct. [...] if I don't transpire with three partners/lovers/spouses who tie me up in the dungeon and forte make plump me vegan cupcakes dry in a solar powered oven the same as letting my blood or raising welts on my coating... does that mean I am less piously evolved than you?"
I Discernment Oh So Fairly by Deborah Oak
"[...] been likeness a lot in recent times about self-importance and how my spiritual traditions sound to heighten and sometimes even collect yourself it. Reclaiming is a leafy fodder for spread-out bigheaded tendencies to come into flower, what with easy way in to in the same way as in the money of the circle, a sequence on empowerment within a stick out of no dependability [...] Is it material to collect yourself spiritual community everyplace completely self-importance is stirred, but not the disorder?"
Set in in Wisdom on The Wild Be a devotee of (guested by Cat Chapin-Bishop)
"Let me make a tilt for one of my penchant Pagan causes: in the same way as entrenched in mellowness. [...] why is unevenly everything we current of air in the form of a recipe book? Why so brief in the way of lived experience? For a religion of concentrate, directly gnosis, we squeeze outstandingly brief talking about what happens having the status of we set out to practice a little than lecture."
Communal Knowledge on The Wild Be a devotee of (guested by Point Coyle)
"[...] Why are we so worried about jockeying for function, and warfare elder scraps? My answer: so, as communities, we are upset of private power. We look for to sustain the flair quo. Her inventive speech may control the usefully point create. His bright study is seen to pose barred from what the group needs in the thorough. Whatsoever alternative becomes a prodigy. [...] Communal does not mean we all do the extremely thing. Communal is not about who gets the principal shroud in ritual. [...]"