Wednesday, September 21, 2011

St Patrick Destroyed The Pagans Of Ireland

St Patrick Destroyed The Pagans Of Ireland
Pat Macpherson, Seven Dharmachari, Amber Dorrian, Intelligence Quarterly

Earthbound devas uniform swerve about, sometimes in human-hybrid form, because at Psytrance leap festivals (Bhakti Omwoods/Facebook). Below: Four call clovers are luckier than shamrocks (

St. Paddy's Day is the one day of the meeting in the same way as one and all becomes at negligible part Irish. Who was Saint Patrick, and how do pagans plan in vogue the story?

* The Spot on Recording of St. Patrick's Day

"St. Patrick" was neither Irish nor inherent in Ireland. He was Welsh from Wales and lived in circa 385 ACE. Previous for instance selected a "saint" by the subject Catholic Cathedral, he was a pagan teen by the name of Maewyn. Utmost relatives were.

At 16 he was kidnapped by Irish marauders, who diffident him as a slave for six vivacity until, because copious jailhouse converts, prisoners under cruelty, he caved in and reformed to Christianity.

Overdue escaping his dependence, because a lately lost run aficionado roomy of some pharoah's bondage, he traveled to Gaul somewhere he became a monastic for 12 vivacity.

That strenuous "re-education" confident him that he had to curve the pagans to Christianity. He inspired straight Ireland for three decades barbarically converting Irish pagans to Christianity by assorted apparatus, co-opting their holidays, and establishing monasteries (re-education centers) at the end of the day dying on Rapidity 17th, 461 ACE.

How did Christians curve pagans?

The rich blame is, How did Maewyn and his Catholic legion progress to the convert of the pagans? By tiring to one side the nagas (snakes, reptilians, demons) or by bringing them onto the Verdant Isle? By casting pagans as demons, favor than the hegemonic church sent in to orderly them out, in all probability the snakes were the nature-loving, bhumi-deva (earthbound fairy) devotion pagans.

The luck of the Irish is the four call clover. But the three call fashion is far condescending complete, and the tradition is that Patrick recycled it to teach the Vedic/Hindu-centric protest of the trinity to the new converts. (Oddly that trinity does not begin in the Bible, if that. Existing are three bits and pieces, but not the ones habitually recited in Vatican-approved catechisms).

It is such a complete talent of Hinduism and its sign tradition, Brahmanism, that it is a event nothing notices. Brahma has three faces, for instance three in one, a space shamrock. Deep-rooted information -- because wee relatives or fairies (devas), dryads, gnomes and leprechauns (kumbandhas), snakes (nagas), banshees or despondent spirits (pretas), bird relatives (garudas) -- bother Vedic, Hindu, and Buddhist parallels. The forest is a magic place for anyone who goes to argue in it. Traveling fair ask Siddhartha, Rumpelstiltskin, or the pre-Patrick pagans.

* Leprechauns in the News: St. Patrick's Day


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