The extrasensory faculties were packet in the Greek and Babylonian oracles (the limit common of all was the seer of Apollo, in Delphi), in the Jewish world with the college of mediums chaired by Moses, and ahead, in Egypt, anywhere the arrogant of the He-brew nation mystic, with the sagacious and initiated of his time, to predict, and other extrasensory modalities which were whole to his effective mediumship. Optional extra in the last part, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Swedish fortune-teller, was investigated and deliberate by the downright guru Immanuel Kant, overwhelmed by the accuracy of the information about a fire seen by him at a cache, in a resembling inner-city.
Although the traditional philosophy, at this point, has youthful parentage in the charisma, it is shy for Science, to show support what Spiritism has shrewdly deliberate, consume Allan Kardec and supported by facts, the most advanced admission of all times: the material Specter survives death. Such suspicion loyal entails repellent have a fight to the nihilistic greed.
Sonia Theodoro da Silva
Translation SPS
(Published in sept/oct 2012: The Re-examine of Psychological Studies - Science, Background and Religion;Journal Psychologischer Studien - Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion; Peri'odico de Estudios Psicol'ogicos - Ciencia, Filosof'ia y Religi'on; Giornale di Studi Psicologici - Scienza, Filosofia e Religione; Re-examine d'etudes psychologiques - Science, philosophie et religion).