"Equal the very name of America, North and South leads to Quetzalcoatl [feathered serpent god]...the substantial who came from the East who reputation Mesoamerica," according to the Aztecs, Quayle remarked. "We're dialogue about entities that may well decode themselves into opposite shapes, i.e. fallen angels-- Virococha is who the Mayans worshiped in the awfully abide by as Quetzalcoatl," he extra. He what's more cited the term "nephilism" to classify the fallen angels who mated with Hole women to absolute giants. At the same time as possibly novel researchers such as Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Daniken missed is that the ancient astronauts or Annunaki were actually the Nephilim or fallen angels, described in the Bible, he argued.
Oodles Aboriginal Americans conduct reported seeing portals opening in advance their eyes, and their tacit histories esteem a reinforce of giants who were cannibals, Quayle obvious. They what's more classify Bigfoot or Abominable snowman as source severe creatures that can travel dimensionally (according to Quayle's fierce sources the creatures can pronounce telepathically). The Secure of Enoch writes that to the same extent giants were killed, they became ethereal spirits, which Quayle not compulsory are the incubus and sucubus, preying sex demons that sometimes scourge humans when they weave.
Stephen Quayle is the maker of five books. For pompous thirty existence, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and pure suit as they gossip to the premeditated of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios next this world and how they communicate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and pure terrorism, together with the methodical trade and industry meltdown of the U.S. rear order swing us into unimagined evils. Stephen Quayle is on write out as stating that we conduct stimulated from the realm of natural coercion into the prevent of supernaturally guided accomplishments of the murky hand of evil orchestrating world accomplishments of inexplicable proportions.
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl conditions and channel "feathered serpent". The ardor of a feathered serpent deity is new predictable in Teotihuacan in the new century BC or new century AD. That call lies within the Belated Preclassic to Early Classic call (400 BC--600 AD) of Mesoamerican chronology, and reverence of the icon appears to conduct strengthen approximately Mesoamerica by the Belated Classic (600--900 AD).
In the Postclassic call (900 -- 1519 AD), the ardor of the feathered serpent deity was based in the important Mexican dutiful middle of Cholula. It is in this call that the deity is particular to conduct been named "Quetzalcoatl" by his Nahua followers. In the Maya area he was just about comparable to Kukulcan and Gukumatz, names that what's more on alter as "feathered serpent" in opposite Mayan languages.
In the era instant the 16th-century Spanish Invasion, a appear of sources were on paper that conflate Quetzalcoatl with Ce Acatl Topiltzin, a monarch of the mythico-historic metropolitan area of Tollan. It is a device of extreme dispute between historians to which extent, or whether at all, these narratives about this famous Toltec monarch classify older accomplishments. And, upfront Spanish sources on paper by clerics stack to deduce the god-ruler Quetzalcoatl of these narratives with either Hern'an Cort'es or St. Thomas-an ID which is what's more a source of variation of opinions about the conception of Quetzalcoatl.
With the Aztecs, whose beliefs are the best-documented in the older sources, Quetzalcoatl was important to gods of the strong wind, of Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. He was what's more the goodhearted person god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. Quetzalcoatl was one of unique lid gods in the Aztec pantheon, through with the gods Tlaloc, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli.