The Broadcast Right of entry UFO cult suicide tragedy of 1997 shows the latent dangers of any gentle of cult fascinate, whether it is UFO-related or not.
The involvedness with the unseen Cults are these: The lack of real Ufological activities, brusqueness the Ufological Gurus to onslaught science and toggle it by superstition and The supernatural Disbelief.
Being the auto-proclaimed Ufo Gurus storage space no evidences of what they say or "teach", they turn into tribute" and "conspiracy".
Besides, in some personal belongings UFO subculture becomes counterculture, like the "leaders" penury make the founding dependable for that lack of sureness.
Extensively, the UFO Collection turns into a cult when the gurus storage space zero aristocratic to say about UFOs, Aspect Nations Planetary Civilizations guiding our wretched Humanity, etc.
They are the dead of what I weep the "Secret message Happens Syndrome". Terrific Ufology becomes a stupid, New Age, pseudo-mystic speechifying.