Of course according to Outline Be found Insider we are not leaving to be attainment a Young Rectitude Zatanna intend.
Still the Wal-Mart interior Zatanna looks fairly hitch.
We do untroubled possess Blossoming Ronin's DC Adventures game.
The pomp game has Zee's stats, but these are closer to what she was when on earth she had her own warrant. Zatanna from Young Rectitude is fair-minded attainment popular her powers.
Clothed in is the Young Rectitude publish of Zatanna. I did this from my remembrance of what she possibly will do in the episodes.
Zatanna (YJ)
ZATANNA (YJ) - PL 7 (104 Points)
Attitude 0, Robustness 1, Agility 2, Polish 3, Trouble 1, Mind 3, Benefit 3, Ghost 3
Artificer, Delightful, Good, Worth (lush), Relevant, Charm (Pretend), Languages 3, Venture, Ritualist, Teamwork
Acrobatics 2 (+4), Games 2 (+2), Pretend 4 (+7), Expertise: Magic 8 (+11), Extensiveness 4 (+7), Discretion 4 (+7), Persuasion 2 (+5), Ranged Combat: tsalB: Smash 8 6 (+9), Sleight of Take place 8 (+11)
!EDIH: Mystery 0
DLEIHS: Effect Theatre of war 8 (+8 Determinedness)
SEHTOLC EGNAHC: Transformation 4 (Affects: 1 Affair > 1 Affair, Transforms: 12 lbs., DC 14)
STHGUOHT YM RAEH: Emotional Dialect 4
TEGROF: Impair 2 (attention to detail, 1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Drained, 3rd degree: Unaccustomed, Resisted by: Inner self, DC 12)
TROPELET: TELEPORT 4 (500 feet in a move action, shipping 50 lbs.)
TSALB: Smash 8 (DC 22)
Clairvoyant SENSES: Analyze 5 (Acute: Clairvoyant, Analytical: Clairvoyant, Detect: Clairvoyant 2: ranged, Ranged: Clairvoyant)
Object +2
Abide, +1 (DC Spec 10)
sehtolC egnahC: Transformation 4, +1 (DC Dog 14)
tegroF: Impair 2, +1 (DC Inner self 12)
Pitch, +3 (DC 15)
tsalB: Smash 8, +7 (DC 22)
Unarmed, +1 (DC 15)
Motivation: Responsibility: Zatanna feels grown for her father's present-day rapture as Dr. Accident.
Compel Loss: Wishes to say spells/powers backwards to use them.
English, Greek, Italian, Latin
Dodge 6, Wisecrack 4, Doggedness 4, Determinedness 1, Inner self 7
Abilities 32 + Powers 27 + Advantages 11 + Skills 20 (40 defenses) + Defenses 14 = 104
Not in particular yet the powerhouse she momentum grow up to be.