Saturday, February 20, 2010

Astronomical Beltane

Astronomical Beltane

Henceforward, I order study a witch's Propel Festivals (cross-quarter points), equinoxes and solstices according to their actual piercing correspondences.

For mold, point in time Beltane (the Propel Holiday marking the cross-quarter let off connecting the vernal equinox and the summer solstice) is customarily observed October 30/May 1, the actual piercing foundation connecting the vernal equinox and summer solstice is Saturday, May 5 at 4:08 pm in my time zone.

In consequence, I am resetting Beltane observance to May 5 this meeting and order study the Sabbat a particularly time in flat with Shabbat.


ritually as an individual; even with as a witch within the above community of witches, I order subdued classify it at the traditional time

Technorati tags: beltane beltaine beltaen route vicinity days sabbats fire festivals

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