Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pagan Reality Show

Pagan Reality Show
We recently had some conversation about the successes as well as "drama" surrounding the "All American Muslim" show on TLC on my One Witch's Wonderland Facebook Page. This conversation led to a conversation about "What if there were a show like this for Pagans?" What would that mean for the community as a whole, how would they present all the different factors and faiths which go in to it, and would it even be accepted by the general public?

Personally, I thought this idea sounded wonderful! As you all know I work hard to "enlighten" and "educate" individuals outside the Pagan community, as well as those within it, about what Paganism means, what myths are and aren't accurate and about the abundance of different paths, traditions and beliefs within the folds of Paganism. So for me, the idea of putting something like this on network TV for all to see is a HUGE blessing!

I've seen Documentaries about Witches, Pagans and some of the different aspects, but none of them have ever been all around supportive of the community. The last Documentary I saw focused on over inflated accusations of abuse and conspiracy theories and ONE single real life witch (who's name you won't find here - but trust me, you know who she is!). This "witch" in my opinion does NOT show the Pagan community in a good light, and only reinforces the idea that only "weirdos" are Pagan or Witches... But, the fact is, she is very serious in her faith, and has made a great strides in making Paganism more acceptable and in educating both Pagans and Non-Pagans alike. But for me, she is NOT what I want people to think of when they hear the word Witch or Pagan... Nor is she someone I want people to associate me or my faith with. Lets face it, if we each looked at the "big name Pagans" around we could all find at least a few who we aren't so happy to be associated with - so before you jump on me for being judgmental, think about the names you know, and if you would want people thinking you are like some of the more "extreme" ones...

So, then, if a single documentary falls short of producing an honest portrayal of Paganism how could, or should, a reality show do any different? And how could the different paths, traditions and beliefs all be shown in an equal light that would still show things in a positive light? Well, I don't pretend to think that this, or any show based on faith, can always show things in a completely positive light. Instead I think there are simply too many opinions out there to always show things the way we would all like. And I don't doubt, that much like the woman in the Documentary I watched, there will be those who are featured who aren't popular with everyone.

However, I think it's important to approach this type of show knowing that everyone is different, but that equality means they get their own time too. So, here is the show that I have decided to pitch to Discovery Inc, parent company of TLC, and Biography.

Each episode would feature a different person or family, from numerous paths and traditions, and follow them through their life. Each episode would explore how these persons or families practice their faith on a day to day basis as well as special occasions. It would also explore what oppositions these people face in their lives, at work, at school or even within their families. It would also explore the fact that these people are NORMAL people! They aren't crazy psycho weirdos or murderers or demonic doorways to evil...

This set up would allow people from all paths within the Pagan umbrella to express their faith and show diversity as well as honesty. It would also mean that people would not have to focus on being "Politically Correct" or overly general about things. They wouldn't have to stick to widely accepted beliefs or practices when talking about their faith, because they would not be speaking for all Pagans, but for themselves.

Personally, I think a show like this could go a long way to enlighten people about Paganism and Witches. I also think this would allow viewers to understand that 1.) Paganism is an inclusive title which covers various beliefs and traditions and that 2.) there is nothing scary, dangerous or evil about Paganism, regardless of the path.

Now, do I think that every episode is going to make me want to scream from the roof "I am Pagan, just like HER?" Umm... NO! I'm fairly sure that there will be episodes which feature individuals, ideas, ethics or practices that I am not so quick to align with. BUT, that's a part of Paganism, isn't it? The fact that we can all be different and that we can all have such varying beliefs and that we can still all be a part of the Pagan community without arguing over the "right" or "wrong" way to do things.

And no, I'm not naive enough to think that a show like this would go without opposition. However, just as the "All American Muslim" show had to face it's oppressors and fight for equality among more "mainstream" faith based shows, I am confident that a show like this would be more positive than not for our community.

So as of now I am simply working to gather 5000 signatures on my petition to TLC ">Sign The Petition


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