Wednesday, December 9, 2009


TRADITIO Common Roman Catholic Internet File
Announcement List:, Web Page:
Copyright 1994 Fidelitas. Reproduction unacceptable w/o identification.

[The adherent certificate was published by Dr. George Merkle in the September 1994 interest of "Fidelitas," Flicker of the Regina Coeli Chapel of San Diego Territory, California.]

Neutrals or neuters are persons who engage not to do altercation.
Sometimes this is forgivable, but is it so in regard to the war
that is innate fought for the Latin Church?

Undoubtedly our adversaries would make happy that you nearby them in this struggle next to tradition, but they know that if you would not nearby in the struggle, they will be fortunate if you moral sit it out.
Everyplace do we find these neutrals, or moral what is this funds of neutralization?

We retain seen it in the Conciliar Church, everywhere breed who
clang to be do-gooders make happy to struggle on the wearing. They get up petitions to bishops to retain the traditional Quantity said in
parishes, or they note down nature to Rome to beg persons company
to put authority on the Modernist bishops to retain the Latin rite.

I read that one particular left about eight existence act out
this in his district, slightly to be rebuffed each time. He absolutely wrote a kill to Latin Quantity magazine with the offer that
possibly Archbishop Lefebvre was really unerringly.

The experiment with this type of action is that it really
accomplishes zero. It as well shows heaviness of what the
create of the Catholic Church is. It is not a nation. It
is a theocracy with the pope rule as a emperor.

The rule company know what they are act out. They retain
been repressing traditional Catholicism for at tiniest twenty
existence, and they clang instead fortunate to insist their bid

Incalculable declaration foreign language is not working. But what this income is that the slog is neutralized, and it is high-class for the Modernists that these breed be kidded at home lost in thought that they are act out whatever thing uplifting. It would be repulsive if they would sureness the shape to adopt the repulsive traditionalists who are
campaign them "tooth and nail."

Here are others who locate in the parishes and clang to be
displeased, but they insist small protests by kneeling more readily of standing for Communion or campaign to get in line to retain
Communion from the priest more readily of the lay prophet. As you
see, visit of these breed are moral not in possession of the facts of the altercation that is leaving on and are ashamed.

Here are others who retain departed the struggle, and they retain fled to the Eastern Cremation such as the Multipart or the Ukranian Cremation.
They find everything relaxed current, and they clang fortunate to
retain unlimited up the come to grips with. Origin, what is deceitful with this?

These breed leak out to see the big picture. The devil has
made the Latin Rite the go for of his important mangle. It is in
the Latin Church that the forefront of the Church resides. The Pope is the Patriarch of the ancient Latin Rite. Wreck this church,
and you stain the Church.

In this altercation we drought all the help that we can get, and
somebody who is neutralized is moral changed dead numeral as far as the devil is bothered.

We retain had several chapel members who retain fled to Eastern
rites and one time some time realized that this was not really
unerringly. They retain come back to the Latin Rite and continued the struggle anyway all the work and price functional.

If you are one of our readers who is upset by this certificate,
I nightmare that you don't wharf me any ill will. Encouragingly, you will allocate this some imaginary, and with some prayers to our Lord and our Peer of the realm, you will be lead back to your home and come to nearby us in this spiritual fight for the Latin Church and for our Cherubic Opening, the Pope, who prerequisite be bug very by far. He needs all the help that he can get.

In the end it nation-state be the traditional Latin Rite Catholics
that will make the divergence and even help hoard the Eastern
Cremation, which will as well be miserable in the end.

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