Recognizing that submit is add-on than one path to spiritual rationalization and that Wicca is but one of tons, and that Wicca holds within itself the belief that submit is add-on than one type of pace set to the loop journey, find appearing in listed bulk denominators of the Aptitude.That submit is excellent all the Goddess in her three-fold aspect and tons are her names. Sooner than all her names we grasp her Maiden, Father and Crone.
That submit is the God, go around and son, giver of condition and utmost compliant of sacrificial victim.
That and it harm none, do what ye movement shall be the law.
That each of her children are get by the three-fold law and that whatever we result in, be it joy or fear, fun or distress, is brought back to us three-fold.
That as she is the mother of all living things and we are all her children, we examination to occur in jingle not lone with each other, but with the humanity earth that is our womb and home.
That life upon the earth is not a dead weight to be instinctive, but a joy to be scholarly and do with others.
That death is not an conclusion of energy, but a pace in the on-going undertaking of life.
That submit is no sacrificial victim of blood, for She is the mother of all living things, and from her all things arise and unto her all things obligation return.
That each and every one of the children who follows this path has no use of newborn along with themselves and the Goddess but may find Her within themselves.
That submit shall not by design be a desecration of another's symbols of beliefs, for we are all seeking jingle within the One.
That each person's creed is unconnected unto themselves and that another's belief is not to be set out and through local.
That the Wiccan way is not to examination converts, but that the way be through open to those who for reasons of their own examination and find the Aptitude.