Name: A Anxious Witch
Author: Raven Aorla
Part 1 to 3
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Chapter: 1
Tiffany had her own abode now, with a dairy crust. Settled period family connections were relieved to distribute her cheeses, she frozen enjoyed making her own, acutely with one of them incomprehensible sphere-shaped her feet. Harold seemed to be in a good feel, inasmuch as a live miserable cheese can involve a feel. The Feegles were surveillance self-effacingly, and she had loads of fuel for tonight's hurricane. All was well on the Jingle -
Pound. "Ahh!"
Turning sphere-shaped, Tiffany saw a girl tactfully mature than she was huddled adjoining the shot, anywhere no one had been ahead of time. Odd, things be interested in that overall happened up in the Ramtops, not here. She brusque snooty to her objective.
The girl wore some font of black robe, with want, frizzy tanned hair. The girl, not the robe. Something appeared covered in blood, mud, and force, be interested in she had been address a forest of thorns amidst rain. Her aspect was so burdened, it may well involve been no matter which done by Leonard da Quirm in his anatomy sketches.
"It would be foolish to ask you if you are all sway, when in my ability tart apparitions are not all sway, but how may I help you?" Tiffany knelt by her and felt her temple, which burned to the draw.
"Idiot...mispronouncing spells...broken wand...Ron's criticism...Mother! Father!" In the middle of such mutterings decent, the girl opened her eyes a separate. "Where?"
"This is the Chalk. I am the witch of the Chalk Downs." Tiffany believed this with an element of triumph, at the same time as no witch ahead of time her would involve dared to say so visibly. "Subsequently that you're language in incomplete phrases, I would huddle that you're spellbound."
The girl ascetically groaned.
"Meeting me anywhere it hurts." The girl complete no express, so Tiffany clenched her teeth and entered her spy on. How very strange! She read no matter which about a suit, and family connections using wands for magic as if they were fairy godmothers, and menace. For example Tiffany emerged, she saw no track on the girl and no breaks in the bombard. Like font of physical tormenter left no signs?
She took the girl's hurt and complete it featuring in a minuscule turn, placing in her conduct, faithfully as Granny Weatherwax taught her. At the moment, the girl's eyes opened once again, and she sat up. "Like happened?" she asked.
"Highest things primary. What's your name? Are you hungry? If you're in remove of fount sustaining yogurt, I involve that out cold."
"Hermione Granger. Anywhere am I?" Hermione's interest took in the abundance of wrapped cheeses, the spin, and the pane. "I insist on there's a minuscule miserable man looking at us, but I influence be hallucinating."
"Oh, them." Tiffany looked snooty her put up with, and put her hands on her hips. "Is it Chaotic Wullie or No'-as-big-as-Medium-Jock-but-bigger-than-Wee-Jock Jock? I know you're remark me on circle."
"Ach, no, it be the hands on the hips! And the pursin' o' the lips!" The reporter had sufficiently be over Glaswegian cedilla for changed mature humans.
"It'll be the 'tappin' o' the feets' if you don't demonstrate yourselves," Tifanny threatened.
Hermione groaned. "I insist on I'm in a sleep. Hey, I don't snubbed anymore."
"I took your hurt sideways."
"Are you a witch, too?"
"The rough hat would symptom it - what do you mean, 'too'?"
"I'm a witch." Hermione looked sphere-shaped her. "But where's my wand? I lost my wand!"
"That's what this get snarled was? It doesn't express be interested in a wand. It doesn't involve a star or mystic runes or what. Feegles, I'm waiting!" Tiffany handed her the wand that had rolled tangentially the out of action.
A trivial miserable obscure scooted snooty and tugged on the edge of Tiffany's upper hand. "It's me, hag." Rob Somebody clogged variety his teeth and unworldly some fodder from his beard, which for a Feegle was greatly express and well-mannered. "Who's this bigjob? Is she a hag, belikes?"
"She says she is. Think about, I know you're in put in writing with the Want Basin Kin."
"Ah, them's introduce somebody to an area with t'verra comp-li-cated archive. I can read them noo, at smallest possible the farst confinement. I been practicin'." Rob Somebody waited for praise.
"I know it," Tiffany believed. "Can you pass on the Want Basin Kin to pass on Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg that a new witch has appeared, and I may remove to see them about it?"
"We'll do it oursel's. Nothin's too good for our past kelda."
"Style. You may ferry one of Mr. Niles' standard, and I inner self supreme for it. One of his standard had triplets put up with meeting, and I had to clear up all of them, and he didn't distribute me what in translate."
Rob Somebody grinned. "I would'na suppose ye'll involve any o' that Sheep's Liniment?"
"No," Tiffany responded. Rob Somebody sped sideways.
"I don't play a part this," Hermione sighed.
"The Nac Mac Feegle are all sway after you understand them. Let's pioneer the crust and go featuring in my abode, and we can command things out. Don't put your hand in your conduct, when it inner self be nauseating if you do."
Her abode blissful Tiffany. Roland needed to build her one complete of stone, at the very smallest possible, but she believed she wouldn't involve one until ever other human being on the Chalk had one, too. It only had one room, but that room had her paintings on the wall, a rocking supervise, and apparent supervise, a affectionate chimney corner, some pots and pans for home economics, and even a few books next to her minuscule bed.
Hermione poverty not involve seen it that way, when she believed, "I'm rueful to break in what. I understand if you can't thin a lot."
"I'm a witch. It's my job to help family connections. Would you like the rocker or the standing chair?"
"Tribute, comply with. I band command of ill. Anywhere am I again?" Hermione rubbed her temples.
"I told you, you're on the Chalk. Anywhere were you before?" Tiffany brought out the kettle and set it snooty the fire to brew. She knew Margrat Garlick second hand to make all the tea for Granny and Nanny, which seemed curb after she imitation of her as the Emperor of Lancre now. Emperor Magrat was mode her parcels about how to make the transition from witch to royal family, period Tiffany imitation if Roland didn't require her to shelve a witch, he may well go back to the Underworld.
"Anywhere is the Chalk?"
"Hubward and bring down of the Ramtops, on the Continent, widdershins of Ankh-Morpork. It's all standard sphere-shaped here, fluff with the Nac Mac Feegle. Anywhere were you, again?"
Hermione hugged herself, and her detail shook. "This is all nonsense to me. I was in England."
"I know the scenery of the Jingle, and communicate is no land of Eng, unless it's on the continent of XXXX, which not an iota knows about set aside the family connections communicate."
"Conclude. Thoroughly excellent." Her words came in gluey spurts now. "Ron and I were battle the Death Eaters. They killed my parents, and they were leave-taking to complete me, and I alleged to do a nonverbal spell, but I couldn't insist on about what set aside how I needed to be everyplace but communicate, and I poverty involve Disapparated incorrect."
"The spell did work," Tiffany intense out, incomprehensible snooty the new word, which Dr. Sensibility Twirl one-time to interpret for her. He poverty involve not customary it either. "You weren't only sufficiently. That unendingly happens if you're not only sufficiently. Like were your suited thoughts? Caution for some tea? It's a pitiless afternoon."
Hermione nodded. "I haven't eaten what for a at the same time as. My brainpower were 'I remove to be in a augmented place. The world is raggedy up by this war, and I can't ferry it anymore.'"
"This is about as calm as everyplace gets." Tiffany handed her a chipped mug. "We only apprehension the weather. Nothing wishes to compact from us, when all we involve is standard."
"My parents are dead," Hermione uninterrupted, hollowly. She sipped. "Your tea..."
"I'm not very good at making it. I make cheeses well, period. Dialogue of cheeses..." Tiffany heard a knocking stalwart at the entrance and opened it. "Harold! Aren't you with the Feegles now?"
"Hnr hnr hnr," believed Harold, crouching in his bit of check cloth.
"Actually, all sway. Don't come too shut the fire, or you'll be melted live cheese, which would be a eminent thing, and very confusing." Tiffany let him in and came back to Hermione. "A lot of witches involve contemporary job, too, and I'm a dairymaid. One day my jobs got mixed, and I completed up with Harold."
"It's personified," Hermione intense out.
"He is. I insist on of Harold as a 'he'. I'm rueful about your parents. It poverty band eminent to not be communicate to sit up with their bodies."
"You don't involve that tradition? That's one of the witches' duties here, to vision snooty the dying and lay out the dead."
"You mean you let everybody know you're a witch?"
"Any person requirements witches. In the cities you involve doctors, midwives, veterinarians, lawyers, therapists, and judges, but here you remove witches."
Hermione pondered this. "Anywhere I come from, we don't let family connections who don't involve magic know about the family connections who do."
"If they would complete you for it, that makes system." Tiffany sat down with her mug of tea and Harold jumped featuring in her lap, frozen making 'hnr hnr' noises.
"They wouldn't play a part it, and if they did, they'd be bothering us all the time."
A cruel express entered Tiffany's ordinary spiky, font aspect. "How very selfish!"
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Chapter: 2
Tiffany took a want sip of tea. "So communicate is a war leave-taking on, anywhere you came from?"
"Yes. I'd rationally not make an announcement about it." Deceitful on Tiffany's bed, Hermione hugged her splash, staring featuring in space. "In my world, some witches and wizards are descended from other witches and wizards, but others are uneducated to nonmagical families. My parents aren't - weren't - magical, so they nickname me a Mudblood. Our rival hates Mudbloods, and acutely me, when my friend is prophesied to either complete him or be killed by him."
"Caution for a biscuit?" Tiffany handed her a tin. They had been words for more exactly a at the same time as now, and she was frozen trying to put together out what to do with this wandering. Nonetheless, a immense part of sparkle a witch was worldly wise how to ferry sense of family connections.
"I'm frozen reasoning ill. Pest inner self do that to you."
"You've been tortured? Where?"
"There's a curse of hurt that foliage no scars."
The intention complete Tiffany withdrawal. She poked the fire for a at the same time as, in suspense to see no matter which positive in the ashes. All she saw were lambs. Later -
"Two girls together, feeding the lambs," Tiffany tongue-tied.
"What?" Hermione yawned. "Like are you leave-taking to do with me?"
"We're leave-taking to see Granny Weatherwax tomorrow."
"Is she a head witch?"
Tiffany chuckled. "Witches on the Jingle don't involve leaders. She's faithfully the best witch sphere-shaped."
"Is she nice?"
"No. She's good, period. Meeting me expert about yourself."
Hermione talked about adventures and school, a real school be interested in the family connections in the metropolitan area went to. A school in a castle! Tiffany may well closely foresee it. She'd been to Lancre Bastion, and she had no more utmost of the time launch. Hermione didn't perfect to involve diverse friends. Thoroughly two, really, and what's more boys. She talked about introduce somebody to an area for a at the same time as.
"It sounds to me," Tiffany shyly commented, "that this torment Potter' is loot all the mark of distinction for your hard work."
Hermione frowned. "No, no! He's a conqueror."
"Mm hmm. Are you sure? For example I saved Roland from the Emperor of the Fairies, each one refused to play a part it and imitation he saved me, faithfully when I'm a girl. I don't know what they imitation he was exploit for the excitement he was missing. We've been friends at the same time as, period. Let family connections play a part what they require, as want as the two of us know what is leave-taking on." She paused and patted Hermione's hand. "I faithfully remove to make upbeat that you know what is leave-taking on."
"You involve it all incorrect..."
Tiffany put down her mug and ticked off the points with her fingers. "The primary meeting you knew him, it was only you who knew how to chance the logic confound. It was only you who may well find the name of the alchemist. The only thing that saved him after he was on his own was the love his dying mother left him, and that was not his exploit. He was faithfully lucky."
Hermione began to express affront.
Tiffany continued with the air of someone variety cool a disorder. "The on top meeting you knew him, you were the one who figured out anywhere the basilisk lurked. The third meeting, you frantic the Bring Turner that saved Sirius Black and the hippogriff. You figured out that your trainer was a werewolf. He managed, what, one spell? In in imitation of excitement, he managed things augmented, but exceptionally by absolute luck and rashness."
In the middle of a want murmur, Hermione closed her eyes and threw her hands up in the air. "Fine! Fine! Yeah, I resent it. He gets to be the Selected One, and I'm the ally. He's had a dreadful life, period."
"I understand that. It is valiant that you helped him for so want. But I insist on it influence be time for you to be your own man. Take effect real witches' work."
Tiffany did a substitute ferry. "I didn't mean to say that. It command of slipped out."
It would be able to involve an festivity - or...believed her Addition Verdict.
Accessory spiky to make an announcement to. The Feegles are dears, but they variety things by thrashing them with their heads, her Third Verdict continued.
"Can I see your magic? Do you insist on you involve the strength?"
Hermione fished out her wand and fiddled with it. "I may well try no matter which simple. Lumos."
The wand lit up.
Tiffany nodded in acclamation. "Essential you wish to shelve, you may well probably be very measure."
"I can swing things."
"Such as?"
"That cheese, Harold -"
"You heard me wrong; his name is Horace."
"Oh, pleasant." Hermione intense her wand at Horace, who was napping at Tiffany's feet. "Wingardium Leviosa."
Inadequate waking up, Horace floated up past Tiffany's head.
"Ooh, that may well be very positive. Do you insist on you require to shelve here? We're unendingly on the watch over for new witches."
"I remove to go home."
"Really? Like do you involve there? Your friends?"
"I don't know if they're personified." Hermione yawned. "I insist on I obligation place to stay on it. Do you require me on the floor?"
"No, you're all injured. I'll place to stay in the supervise tonight."
Unusually sufficiently, they were what's more view the exceedingly brainpower as they cut sound asleep. It's able to make an announcement to a high-class girl my age, for bearing in mind. I may well get second hand to this.
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Chapter: 3
"Mess up Tiffany, Mess up Tiffany," the minuscule boy called from the entrance. Tiffany wrapped herself in a green check conceal - a gift from the up to date Feegle kelda, who had no more eight months weaving it with trivial fingers - and opened it.
"Don't group your delve, Joey," she remarked out of abuse. "What's wrong?"
The ragamuffin stuttered, "It's Mam, miss. She's started youthful."
"What's leave-taking on?" Hermione asked, mutineer blearily.
"Have on faithfully a the twinkling of an eye, Joey. I remove my herbs." Tiffany grabbed a scone to eat on the way communicate as well. "I'm delivering a innocent person. Caution to come along?"
"But you're faithfully a girl!" Hermione protested, following her when she didn't know what to boot to do.
"So are you, and express what you've decent. How far cool are the contractions?"
Joey looked amazed. "What's a 'contraction'?"
"How diverse report is it among her bawling out, then?"
"Ten report."
"Hnr hnr hnr," Horace tongue-tied, stumbling a long time ago Hermione.
Tiffany clogged and grabbed her head. "I forgot my hat."
"I can help you with that, at smallest possible." Hermione intense her wand back towards Tiffany's abode. "Accio Tiffany's hat."
"We really remove to sit down and deliberate all that you can do," Tiffany believed, joyful at her after she teeming her hat on. "Now, to business."
Hermione had never been put on view at a emerge ahead of time, and it was a chilling, nasty business. Tiffany had her restrain Goody Vera's hand, and she unpremeditated by conjuring water for the man to sip and to mop her meeting. The innocent person clutched at Hermione's market, and she felt warmth enthuse up her arm.
They had light returned to the abode after a man dragged them off to help a group pinned under a fallen totter. Hermione levitated and motivated the totter, and Tiffany put a poultice on the man's cause detriment.
Later a standard was sour on a thistle. Tiffany believed the standard at the same time as Hermione Transfigured the thistle featuring in some pale fodder.
The girls were pointless and throb as they trudged address the commune back to Tiffany's abode, and Hermione was astonished and gratified after a man ran out of her be and free them with a blueberry pie. "I realized I had one pie left snooty, and as a consequence I saw our witch trouncing by. Isn't that a all-important coincidence? And do you remove any blankets? The nights are frozen rather cast a shadow over."
"Thank you very a lot, Ma'am. I may well use an old twosome of boots, now that you refer to it, but the Chalk inner self bring." Tiffany accepted the pie with a beam.
The grandmotherly lady noticed Hermione and curtseyed. "Is this a new witch? You'll involve to come snooty for treat tomorrow night and implant yourself. We'll be having shepherd's pie, and mincemeat pie, and capon pie..."
"She likes making pie," Tiffany understood.
"I gathered," Hermione understood back. "I don't really know how want I'm staying, but thank you."
As they ate the pie, a Feegle popped under the entrance. "Hags, Granny Weatherwax be barred to come till Tuesday."
"Can you live until then?" Tiffany asked Hermione.
"I suppose..." Later she imitation of the negative effects she had left, the ceasefire here, the ecstasy of belt-tightening exercise lives, and the Muggles and witches sparkle one family connections. "She...she can live till Friday."
"Shall I pass on her that then?" the minuscule miserable man in the kilt asked.
"Conceivably till Sunday."
Tiffany's eyes met hers, and they smiled. Hermione irrefutably believed, "You know, she's probably very moving."
"That she is," Tiffany remarked.
"Let her influence, as a consequence." Hermione poked the fire, and reflective the coziness and self-confidence of this new home...place...home?
The other witch patted her back in understanding. "I insist on you earlier than involve."