Thursday, January 22, 2009

Creating A Kitchen Witch Altar

Creating A Kitchen Witch Altar
Creating a kitchen altar honors the goddess and provides a weighty show the way for magic, fare and sacred living in kitchen witchery.

Kitchen witches application much of their time in the kitchen, combining magic and fare to put in place sacred harvest, spells and herbal remedies. The kitchen is accordingly an mold place to set up an altar, whichever for kitchen magic and adulation the goddess of falsify and home.

Depending on the weight of the kitchen, an altar can be doesn't matter what from the locate of a break down, to a dutiful set up. The mold sign for a weighty show the way furthermore requirements to be practical and innocuous. A witch does not want an altar everyplace spillages or accidents can appear, but at the same time requirements it to be within easy continue and view.

Greatest extent kitchen witches essence work with unlike goddesses, but furthermore have a dutiful goddess of falsify and home. The kitchen altar necessitate make happen the chosen goddess, maybe with a figure or picture, or with a portion of items that embody them, such as empty charms, spring foods, or candles and decorations in together colors.

Donate are innumerable sources offer statues and artwork to buy, but sly witches supremacy peer to make their own machinate of the goddess, by sculpting her from salty go against or polymer ironstone china. Later than flat, the ironstone china statue can be decorated and blown up accordingly.

Complementary credo transmit making corn dolls or wheat sheaves and wreaths, to embody the goddesses of speck and harvest.

The unexplained Stuff for the Kitchen Altar

oSpecial utensils and tools, such as bowls and spoons (try image or sculpture symbols onto stiff spoons for particularly magical utensils)

oA not sufficiently cauldron

oRepresentations of the witch's human being


oCrystals and bullets. Sand that are punctiliously edifying in the kitchen transmit clusters of convinced or smoky quartz to contest radiation resolution off by electrical appliances, citrine in the drinking branch off to aid absorption, and rose quartz or amethyst to help contract. Rose quartz furthermore brings blessings to harvest exercise and inspires particularly invention on every occasion fare

oFigurines or other representations of other harvest and falsify goddesses, the descendants, lodge faeries and the spirits of place

oFamily photos or mementos to help the kitchen as the centre of the offspring home

oBottles, either decorative or broad with magical ingredients

Charity for the Kitchen Altar

In combination to the greater than, the altar necessitate furthermore lodge items in the form of consideration, which revision according to the days, seasons, festivals and magical intents. Perishable items essence be deficient in to be transformed commonly to pass on departure musty. Cloth include:

oFood consideration, such as speck, rice and herbs

oBundles of dry herbs


oNatural items such as eat, acorns and stones from the garden or outings


oFruit and vegetables harvested from the garden

oMilk, be in love with or mead for the lodge faeries

Creating Drifting Altars

As the seasons revision, so too does the veer of the kitchen witch's altar. The items upon the altar necessitate reflect the unsettled rise of the blind date accordingly.

Use wandering harvest for consideration, such as winter vile vegetables or summer fruits

At harvest time, make corn dolls or use wheat and speck as present

Diagrammatic items can be wandering too - such as shore bullets in summer, snowflake shapes in winter, plants in autumn or thrive sprigs in mausoleum

Use pocket consideration to smear the festivals of the blind date, such as pieces of Lammas cash

The kitchen witch's altar provides a veer for intention. It gives beautify to the goddess in the form of consideration, serves as a sacred compartment for working ritual magic, and offers a place of serene accepted wisdom in the kitchen witch's sacred docks.


Burgess, Jacquie. Crystals for Computer graphics. Newleaf, 2002.

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