Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Festival Of Salii

Festival Of Salii
"In the Roman calendar, Walk in single file was sacred to Mars. The "JUMPING PRIESTS," or Salii began the Local holiday of the Salii on Walk in single file 21 with a distillation of the sacred trumpets that the Romans carried off to war. That consider it was formerly the Roman New Year's Day while it was the start of the budding and instinct grow.

On Walk in single file 21, the Salii marched to the" the bronze "the sacred broadcast that had fallen down from paradise, and its 11 copies. They danced passing through the streets haulage poles with the shields mounted on them in their left hands. In their other hand, they banged the shields with a drumstick. Silent in the time of Cicero, the they sang was so ancient that he can not understand it.

At the end of each night, they would slice at a place to be feasted forward starting up once again the minute day. This festival would end on Walk in single file 24 each time they would return to the Regia and return the shields.


Books in PDF format to read:Reynold Nicholson - The Mystics Of Islam

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Local holiday

Aleister Crowley - The Principal Of Osiris

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