Thursday, November 13, 2008

Types Of Witchcraft Re Religious Magick

Types Of Witchcraft Re Religious Magick
The deep Hebrew the word was serpent, and it was never equated to Ha Satan (the Hebrew word that is now translated to Satan) whom his job was directly to be the swindler and enemy, as in the Reproduction of Job, to test man's modesty.

The deep Hebrew luminary, satan, is a noun from a verb meaning in the beginning to, "meet, restrain," as it is found in

Facts 22:22, 1 Samuel 29:4, Psalms 109:6. Ha-Satan is commonly translated as "the litigant," or "the enemy."

Baal, afterward rendered Baal in Hebrew is a Semitic fame and carry out meaning "master" or "lord" that is cast-off for changed gods who were patrons.

"Baal" can submit to any god and even to mortal officials and regarded in the Hebrew Bible in that context as a "imitation god". Baal was not a demon but a deed god, as seen in Elijah.

Directly the Bible never says Satan is the serpent, nor does it thwart to Ba'al. It as typical word cast-off for imitation icon. By the NT we see Ha Satan, who previously, according to Reproduction of Job, fairly worked with God, as Satan in NT he is now is a cruel what. The Bible no someplace says that Fallen Angels are demons. Fallen Angels or Fallen Angel and demons are lower feelings energies which are demons. No someplace does it orate or even eluded that two are the extremely, this is some denominations opinion, but not at all actually substantiated. Angel and demon are not the extremely energy forms. Generally referred to as "The Watchers", fallen angels and demons are not the extremely. I know it is a typical philosophy and some Xian denominations, hitherto they is no endorsement of this.

Statistics: Posted by One Witchy Mom - Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:27 pm

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