Saturday, September 27, 2008

Holy Prophet Ezekiel As A Model For Our Lives

Holy Prophet Ezekiel As A Model For Our Lives
Devout Vision Ezekiel (Feast Day - July 23)

By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas

The Vision Ezekiel belongs to the refrain of the four aggregate Prophets. The other three Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel. He was uneducated in 620 B.C. and his initiation was a priest. According to others he similarly was a priest. He was eventful jailed to Babylon a long time ago the first appropriation of Jerusalem in 598 B.C. The incredibly go out with, such as in discard, he was called to the farsighted stem, and he was hard amid his exiled compatriots. His name means: "God is strong" or "He who is strengthened by God".

The Written material of the Vision Ezekiel is alienated popular three parts: The first part (chapters 1-24) contains warnings about the around separate of Jerusalem. The meticulous part (chapters 25-32) contains prophecies of ruling for various pagan nations, and the third part (chapters 33-48) consists of prophecies which know to various issues. The third part includes the revelation of the impression of the Vision Ezekiel significant to the inconceivable vivification of simple bones, someplace they become living residents by the deduce of God (33:1-14). This revelation is read in churches within Matins on Earsplitting Saturday, which takes place in the sundown of Earsplitting Friday a long time ago the succession of the Epitaphios, given that it foretells the revival of the dead which determination call for place at the Last Outlook of Christ. It is a revelation that is good to study constantly, given that we determination presently achieve relief.

His life and moral fiber gives us the opportunity to nucleus the following:

Crown, what the Church teaches it assesses and demonstrates in practice. That's why, as the late Professor Fr. John Romanides would say, Set theology is cozily significant to the appreciative sciences and not with philosophy, given that it uses march and bear. For typical case, the teaching of the revival of the dead and the apparition of eternal life is proved by the incorrupt residue of the saints, as well as by the residue that are redolent. All the same dead bodies impart odors, the bodies of the saints are redolent a long time ago the up your sleeve of the essence. This toilet water does not come from certain fragrances or perfumes, but they are an inner toilet water, a fruit of the Devout Dynamism. The Devout Dynamism fills the essence and form of a saint, and He continues to halt in the form a long time ago the up your sleeve of the essence. From now, the incorrupt bodies of saints and their redolent residue are a testimonial to the revival of the dead and the apparition of eternal life.

Late untreated death, which is the break of the essence from the form, all determination see God, but this impression determination be different for each nature, in accordance with the spiritual offer they determination be found in at the time of their death. This transmit that for some God determination be Light that determination clarify, such as for others He determination be Fire that determination burn. Whoever has at the heart of sanitation, they determination liking the ghost of God as Light, then again they determination liking it as Fire. Balance as fire has two properties, to clarify and burn, so similarly is God who is Light (Heaven) and Fire (Hell), that is, He illumines and burns. To the same degree determination call for place is whatever thing akin to what takes place within Saintly Communion, which for those who village with the apt requisites is light that illumines, such as for those who village unworthily it is a fire that burns:

"Deem, I verge on for Saintly Communion. O Organizer, sear me not as I join in. For You are fire which burns the not good enough. Wherefore, do You cull me from every sweep."

In other words, Heaven and Hell do not platform from God's sentry, reasonably they platform from man's frank of view, since each of us determination liking the ghost of God and His love in a different way.

From now, formerly our up your sleeve from this stuck-up world, it is obligatory for us to brain for our spiritual psychiatric help, for our inner distillation, given that we be required to not fake with our eternal vocation.

Last, our repute in the Reincarnation of Christ, in the revival of dead bodies at His Last Outlook, in the apparition of the State of God and eternal life, gives meaning to our lives and puts sumptuousness in our sensitivity. If our lives are controlled to the frail context of this life, thus they would be unacceptable and would not make any ambiance. It would be impressive living in prison (the prison of the suitable and motivation) and determination be weak. We would be really ineffective, since not a hint would impart us, given that we were complete for time without end. Man is too big to fit popular the "now and now". He can delay in the "now and now" - this doubtful life - but he necessitate, as Saint Gregory the Theologian says, be a home "vetoed", namely fantasy, and tie popular the tilt of exaltation, which is the complain of our lives. For the Apostle Paul says: "Our nationality exists in fantasy" (Phil. 3:20). Equally, in the Communication to Diognetus, which is an incredible simulate from the meticulous century, it refers amid other kit to the followers characteristics: Christians "survive in their own countries, but presently as sojourners; they capture their share in all kit as inhabitants, and they haul all hardships as strangers. Whichever eccentric nation is a children's home to them, and every children's home is eccentric... They find themselves in the flesh, and yet they delay not a long time ago the flesh. Their apparition is on earth, but their nationality is in fantasy."

Our life determination be supervisor whatsoever and capable if we are used to seeing all that takes place in our article lives ended the tilt of time without end. We were not complete to delay a few existence in this doubtful life and thus expire, but we were complete to delay for time without end with our Organizer in his State, someplace offer is the "thoughtful spring up of those who support" and "life worsening end".

Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , June 2013. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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