Friday, June 6, 2008

December Magick

December Magick Cover
Rise, dear lord of sunlight, rise.Return to us, and return us to the lightOn winter days you live within uslike a secret blaze.Rise now again, lord Mithras,Rise up victorious.

In the Julian calendar, this month came tenth in succession; thus the name for December comes from "meaning "ten" (hence the name for our modern decimal system). During this month the nights continue to get longer, and the weather often turns wet and cold. Many people find themselves struggling with the blues because of the lack of sunlight. This was probably the case for our predecessors too, so it's not surprising to find, scattered throughout the month, many rituals of light (like Yule), or those that give strength to the sun. These inspire extra inner light to keep things warm emotionally and physically.

Metaphysically, December is a good time to look within, meditate, and regroup before the new year. Focus on magic that purifies, heals, banishes depression, improves endurance, and increases your personal vitality. Also extend a little of this energy to the earth and sky, so that the Wheel of the Year will run towar the light once more, and with it your spirit

Suggested e-books:

Aleister Crowley - Intro Magick
Ed Richardson - Seidr Magic

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