Saint Iakovos had such love for Christ, and so minute regard for the bits and pieces of this world, that he liquidated his aggregate grounds and gave the valuables to the poor minus expenditure any of the money on himself. He gave himself empty to a life of soberness, fasting and prayer. His life won him the worship of the populace. Difficult, very of closing his ears to this worship, he fell indoors a demonic draw and became very thrilled. He would say, "Who knows aristocratic than I do, involving my own salvation?" Far-reaching his own self-will and untraditional preferences, he lived in being alone and undertook heavy struggles minus to start with seeking the reference of sharp and sharp-witted ascetics. This was diagnosed to be his nemesis.
Since in being alone with a puffed up ego, a demon appeared to him in the peek of an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). He told Iakovos that Christ was very thankful by his pains and that he was an attain of the Apostle Paul, and so therefore he would come that night to reap him. "Bathe your hovel," the demon believed, "and make out cold by enlightenment the lamps and excited incense."
The absentminded Iakovos, in his misunderstanding, much-admired all of this minus need. Once Satan came at midnight, Iakovos opened his get into and fell down in adore before him. Satan mocked him and struck him on the tip, furthermore stumped after Iakovos made the sign of the Irate.
Iakovos fell indoors gloom and at dawn went to keep on a self-possessed Chief to circulate him what had happened. Beforehand Iakovos might speak a details word, the Chief believed, "You essential depart this place, for you support been deceived by Satan."
Iakovos was brokenhearted and wept ruthless shed tears. The Chief afterward advised him to go to a cenobitic monastery, which he did. In attendance he perfect his restraint in the trapeza with immense modesty and restraint. Then for seven soul he sat in his hovel working at some skill, and enjoyable his Person in command of prayer.
St. Iakovos acquired the gift of discernment, learned the straight and harsh path of God, and became a immense wonderworker for being an prototype of modesty. He more the course of his life in stability.