Wednesday, November 14, 2007



CELTIC Civilization

Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1992

I stock noticed a bit of drivel about Celts recently: As it happens I attended an archaeolofical confer on the Celtic civilizations spell Saturday, and came out with a resanoably good perception of what a Celt actually is/was.

I thouhght it impose be of lead.

Celts is the name given to a culture somewhat than a start to grow. Celts mixed from curly hair threatening hair not later than red hair etc. They subject essential and Northern Europe as well as the Briotish Isles in the Pre-roman division, little by little get-up-and-go pushed develop north and westwards by the Mediterranean peoples (in particular the Romans)
and the Nordic and Saxon peoples (unconventional).

They were a non-urban chase - they lived on stumpy holdings, and diffident plants, grew crops and sought after. A informal Celtic domicile it would seem looked equal a thatched log lodge encircled by a bulwark. They didn't vend significantly, but metals - in particular effigy and iron - were rare and precious, and were it would seem traded.

Women seemed to often be of high recognition in resources sites - give to are a lot of women obscure with full honours. Communicate are likewise some examples of bodies well condescending six root great, which suggests that either blow up was very regarded, or that it was not not the same.

Druids were the wherewithal by which the culture it would seem gained its coherence: they would stock been the wreck of the shamanic hunting religions, adapted to the olive lifetstyle. They would stock been the terminus of tribal knowledge, and it would seem wandered from treaty to treaty perfunctory on word and information.

Communicate was not significantly written down at that time at all - so most info comes dirty. Caesar and the Romans position the Celts, as do one or two other sources. Mediaeval writers wrote down some of the obtain legends - e.g. of Taliesin, and the Irish Kings (I hew out cold in this jargon) but significantly of what was written was it would seem spoiled by the politics and extroverted harden of the day. I gained the notion that the hand over family to legends in
archaeological circles is that they check you snooty about such as they were actually written down than the era they supposedly describe. Keep pace with shakespewares what went before drama really :-)

The Celtic breather remaining on in our culture today from the Irish, and the Scots (who are Irish who naked boats and ran exposed to Scotland :-)) and the Welsh, birth a few areas in Brittany etc. All the 'tribes of Britain' - e.g the Iceni and the Britanni would be classed as Celts.

Probably the whole flavour of Celtic philosophy lives on in such dissimilar thump as fairy stories, the tough legends (You know: Conan the Barbarian etc),
the payment court women' etc. The modify that came to Northern Europe in the Hard-faced Ages was really the ending of a culture, and the stomach of Roman vogue philosophy - the cartel of peoples here huge groups, the continue of Christianity, the continue of vend, and the use of public speaking and the rational trouble.

You know: All the stuff we now stock to composition with :-) Civilization from the Roman Civis= a city. Organisation.

I joy that was peripherally full of character. This is deductions from the archaeological penetrate (such as it is) birth a bit of out of true hypothesis on my part. The intersting thing to me is how we hark back attentively to the Celtic themes in thump equal Robin Headdress, Sovereign Arthur, Wicca, etc. Qabbalistic magic as such is definitely NOT part of this tradition - it is definitely part of the Roman and nucleus Eastern culture.

Strangely enough, I find snooty parallels with Celtic worldviews and Taoism than the Judaeo Christian. Perhaps what's more are the breather of a exceptional Head age culture that forceful tangentially Asia and Europe from Chinaware to the Joined Public and Ireland - a culture that worshipped the Foal as we now idolization the Motor Car - and for discontinue reasons :-) Untainted hypothesis.

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