Book: The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft Circles Spells And Rituals by Christopher Penczak
This is one of the few
books on witchcraft that didn't leave me feeling dumbed-down and dizzy. Most Witchcraft 101 books spend a good deal of time going over what have become well-known and relatively obvious facts about pagan deities, nature and its energies, the sabbats, and the very basics of magical tools and techniques. In this book, however, Penczak chooses a few of the more intriguing (and, for beginners, often intimidating) practices and explores them in depth.
Rather than the usual cursory chapter on magic--which is often no more than the repetition of warm-fuzzy affirmations about how "anything goes" and the power is "all within you" anyway--Penczak devotes two chapters to a detailed explanation of the theory of spellwork, discussing first the guiding principles of energy and the "science" behind magic, and then turning to a treatment of spellwork as artistic crafting. This is the only book that didn't take me from "it's easy!" to a "sample spell" of five or more exotic ingredients and astrological
Correspondences in one giant leap. Step by step, Penczak builds on knowledge in an intelligent and instructive way, without implying either a dumbed-down make-believe approach or an all-or-nothing game of calculations and memorizations.
Penczak, a New Hampshire-based witch and teacher, is one of the most prolific and esteemed authors in the Wiccan community. In The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, he helped readers go inward—mastering the interior state of consciousness needed to create magick. This sequel is a logical follow-up, with Penczak teaching readers how to bring the sacredness of the inner world into the outer, visible world. As he did with Inner Temple, he organizes this guidebook into a 12-part lesson plan, designed to be completed month-by-month over the course of a year. (Traditional training in witchcraft lasts a year and a day.) Whether or not readers follow the monthly time line, this still makes an excellent grimoire of spells, recipes and rituals. Lessons include an extensive discussion of the
Gods and goddesses of witchcraft that helps practitioners understand why it's important to honor and work with them. Consistent with the nature-based foundation of witchcraft, Penczak devotes a lesson to the elements, explaining how to integrate them into rituals and cleansings. Like any good reference book, this one offers an abundance of exercises and visual examples throughout. But what makes this an exceptional resource is Penczak's ability to offer deeper philosophical discussions while simultaneously giving practical advice. One doesn't have to relate to the word "witch" to appreciate this guidebook; all it takes is willingness to create through intention, honor the cycles of nature and be ready to take personal power and responsibility over one's life. Once again Penczak proves himself to be a gifted teacher and a witch of the highest order.
In 'The Inner Temple of Witchcraft' author Christopher Penczak helped readers discover their inner divinty. In his follow up, 'The Outer Temple of Witchcraft', Penczak helps readers reconize the outer divinity through rituals and spells. Like the first book in the 'Witchcraft Temple series', 'The Outer Temple of Witchcraft' is composed of 12 chapters that are suggested to be covered one per month, ending with and intitiation ritual into the priesthood of Witchcraft.
Like the first, 'The Outer Temple' begins with four introductory chapters covering the sacred space, Witchcraft ethics, the history and use of magick, and the meaning of the Wiccan priesthood. From there, Penczak dives right into a through discussion of the Gods of Witchcraft, describing the five-fold divinty, archetypal beings, and relationships with the Gods. From there, the author uses three chapters to discuss the elements of Wicca explaining the what, why, and how of each element.
Similar to most Witchcraft 101 books, Penczak discusses divination, ritual, tools, sabbats, and spells. Unlike most Witchcraft 101 books, the author explains the why of the various topics above. Penczak believes that in order to practice truely effective Witchcraft, we must know the why. One of the most enjoyable and interesting topics of 'The Outer Temple of Witchcraft' was the author's explaination of why spells work using astrological timing and correspondence.
Many would say that the information within this text is covered in other books on modern Witchcraft. Much of the information is, but never have I seen a book that has all of this information in one place or explains it so well. Honestly, it has to be one of the best books I've seen on the market. If you're new to the Craft, don't hesitate to pick this one up. While you're at it, check out the first one in the series, 'The Inner Temple of Witchcraft'. I promise you will not regret it.
This is also one of the few books that does not place visualization as the primary tool of magic. I found this immensely comforting, as I have worked intuitive magic for years without hardly any visualization or "mystic experiences" (and always felt I must somehow be "doing it wrong"--even if it worked!). Overall, his approach is a scientific one, primarily, and yet it incorporates the foundations of personal and thoughtful spirituality as a necessary building block for (and ultimately the goal of) witchcraft. A great book, well worth the read.
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