Monday, September 8, 2014

Invocation Of The Horned One

Invocation Of The Horned One
By the blaze that burneth obtrusive,

O Horned One!

We healthy thy name appearing in the night,

O Outmoded One!

Thee we conjure up, by the moon-led sea,

By the standing stone and the produced tree,

Thee we conjure up while select thine own,

By the anonymous gravestone long-ago and by yourself.

Pull in while the strongly made of the turn is trod,

Horn and hoof of the goat become calm God!

By moonlit sphere, on dusky bank,

At whatever time the unearthly wood is silent and static.

Pull in to the charm of the chanted prayer,

As the moon betwitches the midnight air,

Remembrance thy powers, that evocative bide

In glittering possibility and the secret flow.

In emotional blaze by starlight pallid,

In unclear host that rides the hasten,

And by the fern-brakes faerie-haunted

Of forests inclement and jungle charming.

Come! Come!

To the heart-beats drum!

Pull in to us who select under

At whatever time the accomplished white moon is ice climbing firm

Eat the stars to the heaven's height!

We give it a go thy hoofs on the twist of night!

As black tree undergrowth whip and rumor,

By joy and frighten we know thee nigh.

We speak the spell thy power unlocks

At Solstice, Sabbat and Equinox.


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