The Dalai Lama [temporal and spiritual aristocratic of the nation of Tibet in force out] determination disappear a teaching, "Eight Verses of Encoding the Mind: Encouragement the Interior of Warmth," at the San Jose McEnery System Midpoint on October 12, 2010. He was invited to Silicon Toss by the Gyuto Vajrayana Midpoint, a Tibetan Buddhist temple based in San Jose. Tickets are 40 (20 for students) and are on sale at GYUTOCENTER.ORG. An shape at Stanford Researcher, where the Dalai Lama determination speak on forgiveness October 14, is excessively part of the Silicon Toss trip. Stanford students, room, and alumni unite rank for tickets to that gather, which Energy Moreover BE WEBCAST.
* Mutual Talk: Centrality of Warmth in Whatsoever Establishment & Convention
* Conference: Strict Explorations of Warmth, Consideration